Facebook Updates have thier own language

I am a Facebooker. Not avid, but I check once a day- usually in the morning. I have about 100 friends- ranging from my husband and my "real" best friend to a girl that I have not talked to since grade school. (Who I am pretty sure hated me- but whatever). There are a handful of people that post frequently and since they are using Twitter, iPhone and remote devices- they seem to have a language all thier own- case in point:

"Hans Kaufmann RT Ryan Block: Although it's not without issues, if you don't want an iPhone, the Pre is arguably the best smartphone in the US right now.
9 hours ago · Comment ·

Mark Shropshire Thought that our VPN was allowing split tunneling and then realized that I printed via bonjour..ahh
8 hours ago · Comment · "

It took me awhile to realize that a "#" in a post (not shown here) is a label for searching (I think.) I am assuming that an "RT" before a subject is the same thing. I know what an iPhone is but not a "Pre" and Mark's post is well beyond my level of comphehension. But then again, he is the director of IT so its a happy surprise when I CAN understand his post... Like this one...

Mark Shropshire "Big warm fuzzy secret heart"

Well, I don't understand it, but I know what all the words are. :)