
These artifacts are supporting materials for the coursework completed and referenced in my revised Professional Values Statement.  
(NOTE: when visiting any of the websites that host the attachments, please use your browser's BACK button to return to this page.)

LIS 650- Library Administration and Management

This paper discusses the challenges of managing the generation born between 1980-2000.

LIS 620- Information Resources and Services

#2 E-Research at Atkins Library 

This Power Point outlines the use of online resources and appropriate databases at Atkins Library.  It is geared towards middle and high school students.

LIS 611- Humanities Information Sources

#3 Alexander Calder

Using Mr. Calder as the subject, this paper reports on a multitude of Art reference sources including indexes, encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries and online collections.

LIS 615- Collection Management

#4 Preservation and Disaster Planning

An annotated bibliography of resources used in research for Disaster Planning and Preservation in academic libraries.

LIS 688- Web Design and Usability

#5 Halton Arena (website)

A semi-functional website for an recreational facility on the campus of UNC Charlotte.

#6 Web Site

A report on what aspects of web design were included in the "Halton Arena" web site as well as the methods for including them.  

LIS 635- Electronic Resources for Youth 

#7 Podcast

This is my Podbean site that hosts my podcast for making a grilled cheese sandwich OR you can just click on the play button below to hear it.

#8 Digital Publishing

This paper explores current digital publishing options and instructs young adults on how to utilize digital publishing for their own short stories.