Professional Values

Original Professional Values Statement

Revised Professional Values Statement


"Collection Development was the third core class I took in the program and it was one of my favorite classes for a number of reasons.  By the time I enrolled for this particular class I was ready for a hands-on experience in an actual library.  In this class with Dr. Jordan, we reviewed the collection development policies of Academic Libraries, Public Libraries, School Media centers and Special Libraries (in this case, a prison library).   In groups we visited each of the different kinds of libraries and reported back on our findings.  Our group was assigned the Public Library.  We visited and spoke with two administrators at the Main Branch of the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County followed by a brief visit to Imagin-On, the combined children’s library and children’s theater here in Charlotte.  It was an eye-opening experience at best, as it was the first time I could see and hear what goes on behind the scenes at a public library. "