
This is my Capstone Portfolio. I am in my fourth and final year as a graduate student in the Masters of Library and Information Science through UNC Greensboro and I expect to graduate in December of 2010.

I live in Charlotte, NC and currently work in the Student Affairs division at UNC Charlotte. I like my current job very much but began the MLIS program for two reasons: to take advantage of my education benefit and to become a librarian.

Ever since I read my first Beverly Cleary book "Henry and Ribsy" I have been addicted to books and libraries. My career goal when I entered this program was to be a Teen Librarian at Imagin-On, the combined children's theater and library here in Charlotte. Since my undergraduate degree is in Technical Theater- a graduate degree in Library Science seemed like the logical choice.

While I have not quite given up on the dream, the economy in Charlotte (and the nation) is woeful. So I am currently content to remain in my job yet stay linked to the library program by either part-time work or continuing education.