Let's play!

If you were to look at my Ning, Facebook or MySpace profile you will see under "interests/hobbies" that I am a gamer. Boards games are OK, but you have to have a group of people to have serious fun. Poker is better. Video games are great. I love video games almost as much as I love books. Within the past year I moved beyond the typical "platform" video games (Prince of Persia, Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime) and started playing co-op shooter games. (Halo, Resident Evil 5 and Left 4 Dead.) They...are...awesome. Granted one of the reasons I like them so much is because I am playing with my best friend who I can either berate for letting me die or celebrate with because we completed a mission. I realize that this upcoming readings are about gaming and I am more than comfortable discussing these topics and sharing why I think they are great. (not to mention a good learning tool :))